Sunday, February 28, 2016

Only Child Status Expiring Tomorrow!

Zuri has been so excited about William's arrival!!  She has been counting down the days. This morning, she ran in and said, "1 more day!!"  :o)

Here's what her last weekend as an only child consisted of. 

Donuts with Mommy Saturday morning. 
Followed by shopping at Target. Zuri has been all about gymnastics lately so I let her pick out a gymnastics outfit. 
Before meeting family for lunch, we had to show off our maternity pants. Ha!  Zuri's are yoga pants that fold down. Zuri pulls them up and says they are her maternity pants. Ignore the middle finger.  Oh, and could my belly be anymore out there?!  ;o)
Zuri and Emerson wrestling Papaw John. 
After lunch, we came home and watched Fuller House on Netflix. 
Zuri posing....
We went down to Gary's and rode the 4 wheeler. Zuri had a blast!  Papaw has a remote to turn the 4 wheeler off of needed. :o)
So sweet!
Zuri really wants to take Skittles home. 

We didn't do a whole lot today. Zuri continued her gymnastics routine....pretty much all day. :o)
Her bags to take to Julie's...

We did go out for dinner and then to Eric's and Karen's. When we got home, my Dr. called to say my c-section was bumped up to 8am!  It was originally noon. We have to be there at 6am. We can't wait!!!

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