Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Physical Therapy

Wordless Wednesday will resume next week. :o)

Zuri had a physical therapy evaluation today for tip-toe walking. She's been doing that since she could walk. At her 4yr checkup, the doctor said we needed to do something about it because she could end up with weak ankles and shortened calf muscles.  The physical therapist suggested orthotics along with extensive stretches/exercises (at home and at their facility).  We hope that she will not need casts or braces. 

Here are some pictures from her visit. 

The swing had to be taken down because it was too distracting. :o)
Doing some stretches. 
She did get some play time in. 
They even have a therapy dog. His name is Mac and Zuri loved him!
For doing such a good job, we took Zuri to her favorite place. She loves Kabutos!

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