Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Funday!!

Zuri's cousin, Ayla, spent the night last night.  This morning, we had donuts and played.  Then we went to see baby Zayne.  The girls enjoyed getting to hold him!  He's precious.  After our visit with Zayne, we went to lunch with Julie and LB and then to the park.  Very busy day!!!

Here are the girls last night watching Tangled.
Daddy went and bought donuts for breakfast - yummy!
Ayla started brushing her hair so Zuri had to do the same.
Ayla was super excited to meet her cousin, Zayne, for the first time!
Zuri was super excited to get to hold him for the first time.  When we first visited, he was only a couple days old so we didn't let Zuri hold him.
Here were are off to the park.....aren't they cute?!
Zuri thought this was a roller coast, I think.  HA!  She went down with her hands in the air.  Thrill seeker!!!

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