Sunday, September 14, 2014

Frogs, Chickens, and Monkeys....Oh My!!

Saturday morning, Daddy found a frog in our crawl space. Zuri wanted to keep him/her and named her Sofia. We took her to Zuri's castle where Zuri showed off her strength. 
Papaw had an aquarium so Sofia now has an actual home. 
Saturday was the ERMCO family picnic. Zuri had a blast. She rode a pony, jumped in bounce houses, swung, got her face painted, and held a chicken!!

Here she is on the pony.....the first time. 
She chose the Ninja Turtle face paint - Donatello!
Zuri would not put this chicken down. She seriously tried taking off with it!
After the picnic, we went to Monkey Joe's for Jocelynn's (Zuri's friend from school) birthday party.  More jumping and running around!

Today, we went to visit Scotty and Ayla. Scotty wasn't home, but Ayla and her friend were.  Aren't they cute?!
After visiting Ayla, we went to a girls only lunch.  :) We were joined by Brandii, Grandma Newbold, Lisa, Julie, Junie, Christine, and JoAnne.  We had fun!
Zuri enjoyed pushing JoAnne in her wheelchair.  ;o)
Zuri zonked before making it home. Once we got home, we both took a long nap (3.5 hours!!!). 
After our long nap, we had breakfast for dinner. Ha!
We also went to see JoAnne to help her with her Kindle.  Zuri was very interested in JoAnne's liquid water flavors.  Here's a picture from the visit. :)

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