Sunday, September 22, 2013

Birthday and Baby Celebrations!

If you follow this blog, then you know Zuri had her first sleepover last night.  This morning, we had Mickey and/or Minnie Mouse pancakes for breakfast, we watched TV, we played, and most importantly, we painted our nails!  Here are some pictures:

They don't like him or anything....

I about pulled my hair out trying to get this picture!!!
After Lila and Alana left, we met up with Grandpa and Grandma Schulz and Jay, Kari, Jaykob, Jinger, Lilly, and Sunny for Grandpa Schulz' birthday lunch at Jockamo.  Yummy!!!
Sunny & Zuri

Lilly & Zuri

Lilly, Jinger, Sunny, & Zuri

Jinger & Me

The Schulz Gang!

After I attended a baby shower for Rachael's sister in law, Zuri and I went to the hospital to visit the yet-to-be-named Baby Girl Henson #3 (who was born on Grandpa Schulz' birthday!).  We found out once we got there that the baby has a name!  Shayne Victoria Henson.  She's absolutely perfect and Zuri loves her already.  Yes, Zuri gave me that sweet and innocent look of hers and said, "I want a baby sister."  Okay, for maybe a millisecond, I considered it.  No baby in the foreseeable future for us....sorry, Z!
I am totally aware of how stinkin' cute this picture is, but no baby for us!!!

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