Saturday, September 7, 2013


Zuri is two and a half today!  We had a pretty lazy morning in our PJs. Daddy went to meet an old friend and Zuri and I met Papaw for lunch. We were supposed to go to a football game, but Zuri didn't want to get dressed in time!

On our way to lunch. 
Throwing money in the fountain with Papaw. 
Zuri wanted to throw money in the top. 
After lunch, we got our car washed and then napped. 
After nap, we watched Dora and then we joined Daddy next door and hung out with the neighbors!  Zuri was excited to show off her shorts with pockets!
Kyle came over too!
Shawn and Paul also came over (no pics - phone was charging!!). Zuri went to bed about 9:30ish....way past her bedtime!  We had a great day!

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