Sunday, January 27, 2013

Weekend Update

Zuri got her first taste of Starbucks on Saturday when she saw Daddy's Chai Tea Frappuccino a/k/a Ice Cream Man.  Zuri has been calling ice cream "Ice Cream Man" for the past few days.  I think she does it because of an episode of Caillou where Caillou and his friends go get ice cream from the Ice Cream Man.  Anyway, she wanted to try it and Daddy let her.  She was hooked after the first sip.  See what I mean?!
Zuri also enjoyed being mean to Mommy by giving Daddy lots and lots of kisses.  In fact, Friday night, Zuri told me no when I asked for a kiss and then ran over to Daddy, turned back to make sure I was watching, and gave him tons of kisses!  She did that all weekend.  Here are some pictures from today when she was doing it.  She's rotten - look at her face in the middle picture!!
Zuri loves Daddy's "Indiana Jones" hat as he calls it.  She gets it out of the closet all the time.  She can pull it off.  ;o)
Today was Lila's birthday party at Bounce Spot.  Zuri had never been.  She had fun although I think she is still a little to small for most of it.  The bigger kids weren't thrilled with waiting on her.  She loved this slide.  We didn't think she would do it but she proved us wrong.  She insisted on going down on her belly!!!
I just love this picture.  She would put her sunglasses on and then push them onto her head like Mommy does.  She didn't quite get them up the way Mommy does but still super cute!!

While at the store on Saturday, we decided to try the Mott's applesauce in a squeeze bag.  We thought it would be a nice snack to take in the car.  We just bought 1 package (4 bags) because we didn't know if Zuri would like it or not.  She LOVES them!!!
We have just over a month before Zuri's 2nd birthday and I haven't completely decided what I want to do for it.  Ahhhhh!!!  I need to get going on the planning!!!  I can't believe Princess Zuri will be 2.

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