Sunday, January 20, 2013

Keep Your Eyes On The Road........

Zuri's favorite game is "Money in the Bank".  This game entails Mommy and/or Daddy and/or any other sucker person giving Zuri coins to put in the piggy bank that Papaw John made for her.  Zuri wanted to play the game after dinner Friday.  After playing, she insisted on putting on her dress shoes.  As soon as she did, she wanted to go bye-bye.  We ended up just driving around the neighborhood.  On the way back to the house, Zuri wanted to drive.  Here she is "driving" in our driveway.   

I told her to keep her eyes on the road and she immediately turned to me and stared. Then she took her hands off the wheels. Good thing we were parked and even better that she has 14 more years before she can legally drive!

After Zuri went to sleep Friday, I had dinner with my friend, Angela.  We also did some shopping.  I scored some super cute items at Children's Place for Zuri....each for only $2.99. 

Here's her hat.....

This morning at Target, I found some cute boots on sale for Zuri to go with the outfits I bought at Children's Place.

Here they are....with the Children's Place hat.  I know she will hate me later for this picture, but I think it's adorable!  :o)

The shirt and leggings were a Children's Place deal.  I told you, super cute.

Uncle Eric took this picture of Daddy and Zuri.  I love how they have the same look --- sort of like "Come on, put the camera down."  HA!!

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