Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cheerios and Blue's Clues

Zuri was up at 6 this morning.  Thank goodness for Cheerios and Blue's Clues.  If it weren't for those two things, I would not have been able to get ready for work this morning!
Tell me that isn't a mischievous look.....

Aunt Julie was kind enough to pick Zuri up from daycare for us.  Julie sent me a text after picking her up saying, "She actually wanted to leave with me this time."  LOL  Usually, Zuri refuses to leave with her.  ;o)


Aunt Julie picked her up since Daddy was helping a friend move a safe.  We met Daddy for dinner at Arni's after I got off work.  Zuri LOVED their fruit snacks a/k/a "George snacks" (the package was Curious George). 

Zuri doesn't like it when we help her color.  See Daddy's hand?  She moved it away shortly after this picture was taken!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Momma Zuri

Zuri is very nurturing.  She loves playing with babies.  She especially loves taking care of and feeding Elmo.  Here are some pictures from this weekend of her with her baby, Elmo.

Elmo was hungry so Zuri fed him a pretzel.

The pretzel made Elmo thirsty, so Zuri shared her milk.

After eating and drinking, Zuri and Elmo went for a drive.

This morning, Zuri felt Elmo wanted to eat some toys. 
I tried explaining to her that Elmo does not eat toys.  She did not care.

Just for fun, here's a picture of Zuri on this day last year!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Little eyes.....

Zuri showing off her "little eyes" at lunch yesterday.  Little eyes = squinting.

"Mommy and Daddy, can I have a game?"  Fry's might be her new fav store.
Today, we had a few visitors.  Tony, Anthony, and Breeanna stopped by as well as Eric, Karen, and Trevor.
Zuri giving Bree kisses.

She looks way too grown up with that headband in!!!

Trev took this one.  Do you see the red mark under her left eye?  She had a run in with her play table.
Just for fun, here's a picture from 1 year ago today.  Look at the difference in Zuri's hair!!!  :o)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Carol!

Daddy and Zuri got home to find that our neighbor Carol is turning 50.  Zuri wanted to check out the birds.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekend Recap

Friday night was our neighborhood picnic at German Park.  There were bounce houses, pony rides, food, and entertainment.  Zuri played in the bounce house for about 2 minutes before the bigger kids got in.  She almost rode a pony.  She was on it but then freaked out before it took off.  My friend Cassie was there with her son and her friend's daughter.  We hung out with them until we had to leave.  We had fun!
"Look at me, Mommy!"

Too cute!
On Saturday, we went to check out Grandpa and Grandma Gill's new home.  Jon, Jack, and Claire were there too.  Zuri wanted her snacks so we got them out for her.  Claire decided she wanted some too.  When she started eating Zuri's snacks, Zuri shoveled them in her mouth faster.  LOL  Guess she didn't want to share!
Claire: "I'm going to grab some snacks while Zuri isn't looking."
 We also went to Target where Zuri found some sunglasses she liked.
Our little diva!
Today, Zuri hung out with Grandpa Cox while Daddy mowed and Mommy went to the store.  After lunch, we went to the mall.  We can't go to the mall without letting Zuri ride the Merry-Go-Round.
Isn't she precious?
We made pizza for dinner and Zuri started to fall asleep while eating!  After we got her down and cleaned her off, she was good to go until bath time.  BTW - she peed in the potty AGAIN!!!  That's 6 nights in a row!!  Now, if we could get her to tell us during the day when she needs to go, that'd be awesome.
I don't even know what to say about this picture!  LOL

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

17 months

So the Princess is 17 months today.  I know I say this each and every month, but I can't believe it.  It seems like she should still be a teeny tiny baby.  Before we know it, she will be 17 years!  One of Brent's co-workers asked him today if his daughter was 2 and Brent said that she was 17 months.  The co-worker apparently rolled his eyes like it was crazy to put her age in terms of months.  Excuse me, but I don't want to say my baby is 2!!!  We have 7 more months before she is 2.  7 months.....that can't be right.  :o(
Here are some new things Zuri is saying/doing since last month:
  • She can pretty much say anything right now.  If she hears us say it, she can say it.  She is good at remembering what it is later too so she is actually learning what the word is and not just repeating what we say.
  • She signs "please" and "thank you" now.
  • She can use my iPhone better than most people I know.  She loves the Elmo and Dora apps.
  • She is no longer only obsessed with Elmo.  We watch a couple minutes of each of the following shows all the time: Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer, Spongebob Squarepants, Curious George, and most recently Blue's Clues.
  • She knows what and where the trash is.  This is good and bad.  Good because she can throw her own trash away.  Bad because she can throw ANYTHING away!  We suspect she has thrown away some of her magnetic letters we keep on the fridge.
  • She has 2 new teeth that have popped through.  That's a total of 14!
  • She is putting words together to form partial sentences.  Yesterday, I told her to put her sippy cup down and she said "Sippy cup down."
  • She loves baby dolls.  Brent says that when he picks her up from daycare, she has the same doll and doesn't want to let go.
  • She retains so much, it's insane.  On Sesame Street, she now knows Big Bird, Oscar, Ernie, and Abby.  Elmo is still #1, but she can recognize the others.
  • My dad has a diesel truck that has a distinct sound!  When he comes over, Zuri says "Papaw" before ever seeing the truck or him.
  • Tonight, during her bath, she started putting her letters in the bag so we counted them.  We decided to go to 10.  After we counted 9, Zuri said "ten"!! 
I'm sure I'm missing things; she pretty much amazes us daily with her new words and actions. 

Here are a couple pictures from today.

Dear Zuri Lane,

Mommy and Daddy love you very much.  You are such a precious little girl.  You are also one very smart girl.  You are just absolutely amazing.  We are not sure how we became so lucky to be chosen as your parents.  It is an absolute honor and joy.  We look forward to continuing this wonderful journey with you.

Mommy and Daddy

Monday, August 6, 2012

Mexican Monday

Zuri loves Mexican food so we made her a cheese and rice burrito for dinner (the meat was too spicy for her).

After dinner, we played.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

When Daddy's Away......

.......Mommy and Zuri will play!

Daddy left about 30 minutes after Zuri woke up and didn't get home until after she went to bed so Zuri and I decided to have some fun of our own!  (Okay, so Daddy wasn't having fun.......he was moving his mom and stepdad from Rockville to the east side)  We picked up Aunt Brandii and Jonathan this morning and met Aunt Junie and Julie at the mall.
Zuri: "And, what do you think you are doing in my car?"
Zuri was fascinated with the "wa-wa" and Jonathan was obsessed with throwing coins in the fountain!
Isn't this a cute picture?!
Zuri even threw some coins in the fountain.  :o)


We can't go to the mall without riding the rides.
"Beep Beep!"

I'm glad this is a toy car since neither of them are looking at the "road"!!!
Thanks to Daddy, we also can't pass a lottery ticket machine without buying one (we lost...go figure).
"Mommy, Daddy always let's me pick one."
 After lunch, we went to see Papaw at work.
After seeing Papaw, we went to Target.  Zuri fell asleep before we got there so I decided to go in by myself and let Brandii, Jonathan, and Zuri stay in the air.  Jonathan started to undo his seat belt and I said not to because they were all staying in the car.  Jonathan asked Brandii if she was going in too.  I said, "No, we aren't those parents!" ---- you know, the parents we've been hearing about leaving their kids in the hot car while they shop.  Seriously, how do you forget your kid is in the car?  Anyway, while I was in Target, we got rain..........for about 5 minutes.

Once we dropped Brandii and Jonathan off at home, Zuri and I went home and watched TV.  We typically watch a couple minutes of each of the following: Elmo, Dora, Spongebob, George (in no particular order). 
I love when she lays like this to watch TV!
We ended up having dinner with Aunt Brandii too.  We went to Pizza King Station.  Zuri loved the train!  I did not get any pictures though.