Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Brent and Zuri let me sleep an extra hour today!!  That, itself, is an awesome gift!  When I did get up, however, I was finally able to open Zuri's gift that she made for me at daycare.  I absolutely LOVE it!

Zuri and I hung out and played while Brent mowed the grass.  I'm pretty sure this is the cutest outfit ever.

Brent and Zuri decided to take me to Jockamo for lunch.  Look what I got just for dining in on Mother's Day.  I think Brent is jealous of my free shirt; not so much the rose.  :o)

My second Mother's Day proved to be better than the first!  My first Mother's Day was the day before I had to go back to work from maternity leave so I was a bit of a basket case.

I wanted to also show the nasty boo-boo that Zuri got last night.  I'm not quite sure how she got it.  All I know is she freaked out!!  I didn't notice it at first.  I was looking her over to see what was wrong and after a few minutes, saw this.  :o(

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