Tuesday, February 7, 2012

11 months

First, a quick catch up from the last post.  Saturday night, Brent and I went downtown so my dad and Andrea watched Zuri.  While we were out, I got this picture sent to me.

Yesterday, I decided to give Zuri a pedicure.  Aren't her little piggies so stinkin' cute?!

Okay, back to the title of the post.  Today, Zuri is 11 months old.  I can't believe it.  It doesn't seem real.  She is getting so big!!  I love her more than words can say.  Here she is this morning in her PJs and in her monthly sticker.

Don't get used to these fancy pictures.  I figured I'd take advantage of Picnik closing and use some of the premium content.  :)

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