Sunday, February 26, 2012

1 week

Zuri decided to read the paper today.  She really enjoys looking at the ads too.
Where's the Target ad?

We went to the Henson's new house today to check it out.  Zuri enjoyed playing with the girls' stuff while they weren't there. 
Lila and Alana won't mind if we take this.

Are you wondering about the blog title?  2 things:

1 --- We are one week out from taking Zuri off formula and she is doing very well.  She has taken to the sippy cup and is drinking pretty close to the amount of milk she should be.  She seems to prefer water though.  She is going to bed without milk now.  I thought that would be our biggest battle, but she really does okay without it.  She only drank 2oz. on the second night and then on the third night, she didn't want any of it.  We haven't offered her milk since then and she is fine!

2 --- In 1 short week, we will have Zuri's 1st birthday party!!  I can't believe it is already here.  This can't be right, can it?

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