Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Brent and I are thankful today, and everyday, for our little princess.  She has brought so much joy to our lives.  Words cannot describe. 

Zuri did incredibly well today considering we had 3 gatherings.  She was a hit at each one, of course. 
She had mashed potatoes, green beans, noodles, and rolls.  :o)  Here are a few pics from today.

Face is blurry, but you can see her cute onesie!  Courtesy of Etsy!

She loved this turkey at Eric and Karen's.

Yep, she loves the turkey.

She also loves Isabella!
Zuri and Grandpa John (whose birthday was yesterday!).

Jasmine loved Zuri!!
Mariella too!

Mariella was very protective of Zuri.  She wouldn't let Vance give her anything she could choke on.  :)

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