Monday, March 28, 2016

Kids Commons

Zuri is staying home this week with me and William for Spring Break. We kicked off the week with a trip to Kids Commons in Columbus with Aunt Amanda, Jack, and Claire.  This was our first time there. Zuri loved it!

She was ready!

Once we arrived, she started with Messy Monday. The kids could get toys muddy and then wash them off. 

Once Amanda, Jack, and Claire arrived, we went to the bubble room. 

The girls then checked out the toilet slide. It took Zuri some time to warm up to the idea, but once she did it (with Amanda's help), she wouldn't stop going!  Ha!

We went across the street for lunch and more playground fun. 

After lunch, the girls did crafts and Jack worked on wiring different items. :o)
William was just hanging out during all this.

We went to an old fashioned ice cream parlor when we left. I loved the vintage look. The ice cream was good too!

We all had a blast.  Here's the best picture I could get of them after ice cream. ;o)

The rest of the week is filled with lunch dates and library time. Stay tuned. 

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