Friday, February 26, 2016

Pregnancy Hormones...

Zuri was going to spend the night with Aunt Julie so I could go see my cousin's band tonight BUT she decided she didn't want to. I picked her up and she knew I was upset (darn pregnancy hormones). I knew she was being clingy because William arrives Monday. It didn't matter, I was already in a pregnancy induced mood!  We got home and Zuri went into her room. She came back with a couple pictures to cheer me up. This one is our entire family at her birthday party, including William.  She even put party hats on her and Daddy and also drew balloons.  This made me start crying and Zuri asked why. How do you explain irrational pregnancy hormones to your 5 year old?!

I know this is rough on Zuri even though she is super excited about William's arrival.  I have to try to keep the hormones under control this weekend and reflect on times like this...

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