Sunday, August 9, 2015

Family Weekend

We started the weekend off with our neighborhood picnic at German Park. Zuri enjoyed the pony rides. :)
Saturday, we went to lunch with Tony, Bree, Julie, and Jason. We went swimming afterwards and Allie, Scotty, and Ayla joined us. 

Z and Bree!
Scotty and Ayla spent the night with us. We went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. 
The kids had fun playing and didn't go to bed until around 10pm. Zuri was up at 6am but I got her to lay back down until 7. Scotty and Ayla definitely aren't used to getting up that early. They did it though because we were meeting Papaw at Yia-Yia's for breakfast. 
Papaw and the rugrats. :)

This afternoon, we had Jack's birthday party. The girls had fun playing (when they were being nice to each other!). I wanted a picture of Jack, Claire, and Zuri. Those silly kids!
They finally gave in and let me take a good picture. :)
It's bedtime now - Zuri has to get ready for school tomorrow. This will be her first week of having homework!!

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