Sunday, May 3, 2015


Grandma Schulz turned 70 yesterday. To celebrate, we went to Peoria, Illinois to surprise her. We arrived Friday night and spent the night with Shawn and Mandy.  It was a full house - 6 adults and 5 kids (all under age 5)!  The kids had a blast playing with each other. 

On our way!
Meeting baby Aryana for the first time. 

We had our pictures taken in the morning and then went to the party to surprise Grandma Schulz. That night, everyone went to Shawn's and Mandy's for a bonfire. We had fun!
The cake was delish!
Bray and Z being silly!
Zuri and Grandma. :o)
The kids dancing (um, well perhaps just sitting at this point). 
We played with the How Old site ( and Shawn thought flexing would make him look younger. 
Grandma with Isabelle and Zuri. 
Bray and Z.
Maddie, Bray, and Z!

It was time to go home today. Before leaving, we had brunch with everyone. 

When we got home, Zuri hung out with Eric and Karen while we grocery shopped. Afterwards, we had dinner. Zuri was being Eric's girl for sure. She even got mad at me when I suggested we poke his finger to pop his blood blister. :o)

We had a great weekend and hope Grandma had a great birthday!

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