Sunday, April 26, 2015

Dance Recital

Today was Zuri's first ever dance recital!! Stage 1 Dance Academy holds its annual recital at the Murat.  Big time, I know!!

We had an in-studio rehearsal Tuesday and then the dress rehearsal at the Murat Friday. The dress rehearsal made today much easier, logistically speaking. :o)

Allie came over to do Zuri's hair and Zuri fell asleep after the rollers were put in. After about 20 minutes, Allie removed the rollers while Zuri still slept. :)
She ended up waking up and Allie finished the 'do. It was super cute!  

We left to head downtown. 
Bree went backstage with me and helped me get Zuri ready. Zuri enjoyed looking at herself in the mirror. :)
After Zuri was ready, Bree and I went upstairs to our seats. Zuri was in good hands with the backstage mom volunteers!

The girls did a fabulous job!  It was tutu cute!!  ;o)  In fact, the entire recital was fabulous!  The Stage 1 staff did a phenomenal job. 

I didn't get pictures during her dance, but I did get a couple during the finale. 

After the finale, I picked Zuri up on stage and snapped a picture of her with Ms. Lauren, her dance teacher. 
Then it was off to the lobby for more pictures!!

Ms. Katie, the Studio Director. 
Grandpa and Grandma Schulz. 
Papaw John. 
Jinger, Lili, Sunny, Kari, and Grandma Gill. 
Aunt Brandii. 
Mommy and Daddy. We are very proud of her. She was great!
Time to change out of the recital costume!

Zuri showed off her medal. She is very proud of it. 
We saw Miss Kendall outside. She's one of the assistants in Zuri's class. 
Time to go to the car. Zuri wanted a ride on daddy's shoulders. They were being silly. 
We went to dinner with Papaw John and Grandma Andrea. We ran into Eric, Karen, and Trevor.  After dinner, we took Bree home and then we went home. Zuri was beyond tired. We let her go straight to bed. 

Thank you to everyone who made it out to Zuri's recital. We appreciate it. Big thanks to Stage 1 for an awesome recital. Also, shout out to the backstage moms that kept the girls occupied before and after the routine. 

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