Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dear Zuri


You are 4.  I cannot believe I just said that.  Seriously, 4?? 

You have no idea how much joy you have brought to our lives.  You also bring frustration, but what child doesn't?  :o)  You are a smart, beautiful, funny, crazy, wild, stubborn, sassy, bossy, sweet girl.  You never cease to amaze us.  You are inquisitive (sometimes too much so) and hardly settle for a quick and simple answer.  You want to know details.  You usually come back with a rebuttal that makes complete sense which is frustrating because that usually happens when you are being told not to do something.  How can we argue with you when your response is logical and makes complete and total sense?!  We love you more than you will ever know.  You make us laugh, cry, smile, and cringe.......sometimes all in the same day.  I love hearing stories from friends and family too about the things you say or do.  Recently, you told me about your wedding.  You will get married, wear a white dress, and have pretty flowers.  You'll get married to Daddy.  I thought that was so sweet.  I don't really remember talking about or dreaming of my wedding day, but my guess is that most little girls want to marry their Daddy at one point in time.  Daddies are awesome - I know mine is! 

We are so lucky to have you in our lives.

We love you Zuri Lane!
Mommy & Daddy

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