Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Warm(er) Weather

We have enjoyed spending time outside the past two nights. 

The following happened tonight:

1. Daddy and Zuri raced to the swing set and back....10 times;

2. Zuri rode her bike and had a little wreck which caused her to want Mommy to carry her to the park (wasn't able to carry her the entire time);

3. Zuri got to play with her friend, Jazzlyn;

4. Zuri talked Daddy into racing down the slides with her.

Now it's bedtime. :o)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Papaw John

Papaw John came by tonight. He helped Zuri win the challenge tonight. The challenge, you ask?  Going down the slide, through the gate and tunnel. 

Here they are celebrating the win. 

After the win, they played daredevil. 


Papaw also got in trouble.  He was crinkling his empty water bottle and Zuri thought he was breaking her swing set. She told him that wasn't nice, especially because he built the swing set for her. Check it out!


Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Party Weekend

This weekend was filled with lots of family  time. 

After swim lesson, we met Grandma Newbold for lunch at McAlister's. 
Zuri and I met Julie at Kohls to shop. Zuri picked this card out for her cousin, Brandon. He's not sick. He's moving to North Carolina. :)
We had a going away dinner for Brandon at Fujiyama. It was a great time! 
See you soon, Brandon. Enjoy NC!

Today, we wore our tiaras. Zuri said she was the Queen and I was the Princess.  This meant she was my mother (she reiterated that). 
We took a short nap before heading to Bri's birthday party. :o)
Bri's party was at the Plainfield Aquatic Center.  Zuri had a blast and I think Bri did too!

Aren't they cute?!
Zayne and Andy sporting their hats. 
Zuri let Andy hold her for a pic so I did this side by side collage. 
After the party, we went to a local diner to eat. Zuri had oatmeal with cinnamon toast. She loved it. 

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Easter Bunny: Then and Now

We haven't taken Zuri to see the Easter Bunny since she had a meltdown seeing him when she was one.  Today, she saw an advertisement for the Easter Bunny and she asked to see him. We went and she LOVED him!



Thursday, March 19, 2015

Tutu Cute

Zuri had her final costume fitting tonight at dance. Soooo cute!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Celebration Continues

Friday was Zuri's 4 year wellness visit.  She is 3.5 feet tall and still in the 90th plus percentile for height and weight.  We opted to get her immunizations this year versus next. There were 3 shots. Zuri did fantastic. She cried after the 2nd shot but was okay before we left.  The only thing the doctor was concerned with was Zuri's tip-toe walking. We have to do stretches daily and keep reminding her to walk flat-footed. If there isn't significant improvement in the next 2-3 months, then we will go see a pediatric orthopedic doctor.

Scotty and Ayla hung out with us yesterday and spent the night. We had lots of fun!  Papaw even brought us donuts and chocolate milk. :o)

We celebrated Claire's 4th birthday today. While there, Zuri got to open a gift from Aunt Dina, Uncle Ron, and Brandon. 

We left Claire's party and went home to celebrate Zuri's birthday with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz. Sunny joined us. 

After that celebration, Papaw John and Grandma Andrea came by with their birthday gift for Zuri. A brand new Frozen bike!  Papaw saw a picture of Zuri riding her old bike and decided that knees touching handle bars wasn't good. :o)

I think the birthday celebrations are over...... 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dear Zuri


You are 4.  I cannot believe I just said that.  Seriously, 4?? 

You have no idea how much joy you have brought to our lives.  You also bring frustration, but what child doesn't?  :o)  You are a smart, beautiful, funny, crazy, wild, stubborn, sassy, bossy, sweet girl.  You never cease to amaze us.  You are inquisitive (sometimes too much so) and hardly settle for a quick and simple answer.  You want to know details.  You usually come back with a rebuttal that makes complete sense which is frustrating because that usually happens when you are being told not to do something.  How can we argue with you when your response is logical and makes complete and total sense?!  We love you more than you will ever know.  You make us laugh, cry, smile, and cringe.......sometimes all in the same day.  I love hearing stories from friends and family too about the things you say or do.  Recently, you told me about your wedding.  You will get married, wear a white dress, and have pretty flowers.  You'll get married to Daddy.  I thought that was so sweet.  I don't really remember talking about or dreaming of my wedding day, but my guess is that most little girls want to marry their Daddy at one point in time.  Daddies are awesome - I know mine is! 

We are so lucky to have you in our lives.

We love you Zuri Lane!
Mommy & Daddy

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Zuri Turns 4!

Our "baby" turned 4 today.  How in the world did that happen?  It seems like yesterday that I looked down and saw the word "Pregnant" on the test.  Everyone told me time flies but until you have been there, you don't fully comprehend.

Zuri celebrated with her classmates yesterday and she enjoyed it!  We met Aunt Julie for dinner at Scotty's Brewhouse (Zuri meant BJ's Brewhouse, we found out once we pulled into Scotty's -- that was awful fun).  After dinner, we took her to Toys R Us to pick out a toy with her Geoffrey's Birthday Club coupon.  She received a birthday crown and balloon.  Halfway through the store, an announcement was made that there was a special guest celebrating her birthday.  Another little girl saw the balloon and told Zuri happy birthday.  It was cute!  In case you're wondering, Zuri picked out a Paw Patrol toy.


So this morning at 6am, Zuri comes into our room.  That's early for her.  I tried getting her to sleep more but every 5 minutes, she was asking to open her gifts.  About 6:30, I finally gave in.  I told Zuri I needed to get my coffee first.  She was a trooper and waited another 5 minutes.  After opening gifts, we ate breakfast and then played for a bit before heading out for her first swim lesson.  Swim lessons are at the IUPUI Natatorium.  She got into the pool all by herself and did fabulous!


After swim lesson, we went home to get ready for her birthday party.  Aunt Brandii and Justice came by to bring a gift and say happy birthday.  Zuri gave Justice a "hug" before they left.  By hug, I mean head butt! 

Zuri's party was at her dance studio, Stage 1 Dance Academy.  Ms. Katie, Ms. Paige, and Ms. Hailee did a phenomenal job.  They are so patient with the kids; I don't know how they do it.  The kids played a few games before having cake and ice cream.  Zuri opened gift after cake and then they went back for makeovers.  My favorite part was when they kids were introducing themselves.  They had to say their name, how they know Zuri, and who is their favorite princess or prince (or king as one kid pointed out).  Zuri's friend from class said Zuri was her favorite princess.  Our friends' daughter said Zuri was her best friend (they've seen each other only a handful of times).  Claire said she was Zuri's cousin but she didn't know where Lili and Sunny were (she kept asking where they were --- they are two of the older cousins and the party was for the younger kids).  It was all super cute to listen to!

After her party, Daddy went out with his brother and some friends.  Zuri and I had a girls only dinner at BJ's Brewhouse.  We lucked into a spot right in front and into a 10 minute wait versus the 40 minute wait we were quoted.  Score!!

I went out with my family and had Trevor come watch Zuri.  He's such a sweet kid.  Okay, not a kid anymore, he is 18.  How many 18 year old men do you know would babysit a 4 year old on a Saturday night?

Check out my next post for my letter to Zuri.  :o)