Sunday, May 11, 2014

Be Careful On The Playground

My uncle Gary went into the hospital Thursday evening with an infected big toe. I stopped by there after work Friday to see him and asked Zuri if she wanted to talk to him.  When I called her, she kept asking where I was and why. I told her I was visiting uncle Gary because he hurt his toe. When I gave the phone to Gary, I heard him laugh a little and say, "No, I didn't hurt it at the playground."  :o)

That night, Zuri made him a card and inside she wrote, "Be careful on the playground!"  We met up with Tony and the kids for lunch Saturday and then visited Gary.  Grandma Newbold was there too and Zuri put her in timeout. LOL

Uncle Gary will hopefully be home tomorrow and back to work in a month!

Bree and Zuri at Culver's. Zuri was telling Bree she was going to eat her ice cream!
On the way to see uncle Gary (Bree's Papaw).
Zuri giving Gary a hug before we left. Too sweet!

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