Sunday, March 16, 2014

Carnival, Pizza, and Birthday Party!

We had a fun-filled weekend!  Saturday, we went to lunch with Aunt Julie, Andy, and Bri. Then we went to Bri's school's carnival.  Zuri and Bri had a blast and I won a couple silent auction items!  Yay!  
We had a backwards dinner Saturday. We had ice cream from Ritter's with Andy, Anne, and Bri. Then we had dinner at Jockamo with Tony, Shannon, Anthony, and Breeanna!
Zuri finally have Shannon a hug last night!!

Today, Papaw John came over and hung out for a bit. Here's a picture of Papaw throwing Z up in the air!

We also had Claire's birthday party today.  Claire got lots of gifts and the kids had lots of fun. 

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