Sunday, February 16, 2014

Party Weekend!

We had a fun-filled weekend!  Saturday, Zuri and I went shopping in the morning before going to my cousin's house for some pre-wedding pictures!  After pictures, we headed to Fishers for the ceremony.  We are so very happy for my cousin, his wife, and step-daughter!  After the ceremony, Mommy and Daddy went to get a couples' massage while Zuri and Bri had a sleepover at Aunt Junie's!  Today, after picking Zuri up, we went bowling with Andy, Anne, and Bri.  Then we came home for a couple hours and then back to their house for dinner!!  :o)

Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Twins!!!  Zuri and I bought these matching nightgowns for her and Bri to wear.

Zuri zonked out by 10:30am today!!  LOL

I'm adding this because I couldn't stop laughing.  Zuri told me she needed a Band-Aid and she came back with it on like this!!

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