Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2 months

In 2 very short months, our baby will turn 3. How is that possible?  

Tonight, before bed, Zuri wanted to call and talk to Papaw and Aunt Junie. I'm sure she would've called everyone else we know if I hadn't stopped her and made her go to bed!  As I sat listening to her, I realized she is well beyond 3 when it comes to her intelligence. Maybe I feel that way because I'm her mom. Who knows. What I do know is that I don't know very many almost 3 year olds who can have an entire conversation with people. Zuri was talking in complete and clear sentences. When Junie asked her what she said one time, Zuri repeated it but slower and with more enunciation!  Oh and she added, "I said...Junie." I'm sure that was her polite way of saying, "Did I stutter?!"  :)

Whether or not Zuri is intelligent, one thing's for sure: we've got our hands full with her in the years to come!!!

Here's the obligatory picture (talking on the phone, of course!) 

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