Friday, October 11, 2013


As most of you know, my aunt passed away last week after battling an infection.  Monday, after the burial, we went to my uncle's house.  Brent and Zuri came down and Zuri instantly fell in love with my uncle's dog, Skittles.  Zuri woke up Tuesday morning saying, "I want to go see Skittles." and then threw a fit when I said we had to go to school.  I decided to take dinner to my uncle last night and Zuri was super excited to see Skittles Uncle Gary.  We got there around 5 and played outside for about an hour with Skittles.  Skittles tried running back to the house a few times.  HA!  A little after 6, we all went inside to eat.  We sat in the kitchen and Zuri got to feed Skittles some bread and bologna.  She was very excited about that.  When we left, Zuri wanted to give Skittles a hug bye, but Skittles kept running from her.  Imagine that....  Uncle Gary picked up Skittles so Zuri could give her a hug.  I tried getting Zuri to give Uncle Gary a hug, but she wouldn't.  She did give him a high five though.  Baby steps...  LOL

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