Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fun-Filled Weekend!

Zuri has had a very fun weekend.  It started with an afternoon with Aunt Noonie (Junie).  Zuri had ice cream, cake pops, and ended up getting a new Minnie Mouse doll.

Saturday, we went to Long John Silver's for lunch for their open house.  Zuri loved the eye a necklace.  We won a ticket to Holiday World while we were there!
My cousin, Justin, got married Saturday.  While we were at the wedding, Papaw John watched Zuri.  They had fun together as you can see.  :o)

Today, on our way home from the grocery store, Zuri was smelling her feet.  So cute!!
We went to Ralph and Lane's for dinner to celebrate birthdays (Lane and Quentin) and a graduation (Lars).  On the way, Zuri insisted on wearing my sunglasses.  Before we left, she walked around with the umbrella and then sat in the swing.  She also walked away with a nifty new wooden rocking chair just her size!

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