Saturday, April 13, 2013

Little of this.....Little of that

Here's what we've been up to the past couple days.

Friday morning, I walked in to get Zuri up and she immediately stood up and said, "Daddy hiding in the bed?"  I told her Daddy was at work and she argued with me.  I finally said, "Okay, Daddy's hiding in the bed."  She soon realized I was right.  :o)  My aunt thought she was politely asking me to leave her room.  I wouldn't put that past her.  Ha!

After dinner, we stopped at Dairy Queen for ice cream.  Zuri loved it!

Today, Zuri and I had lunch and went to the mall with Aunt Julie, Uncle Kenny, Aunt Lisa, and Adam.  After nap, we went to the Hensons' for dinner and playtime.  The girls had fun!

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