Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Today was Zuri's follow up from the tear duct surgery with Dr. Neely.  The stent was removed today.  Zuri did very well even though she screamed bloody murder while we restrained her.  Dr. Neely was able to remove the stent quickly and safely.  Once he removed it, I scooped her up and she was okay.  She even told Dr. Neely bye-bye.  :o)

This was Zuri on the way to see Dr. Neely.


After her appointment, we went to dinner and then once we got home, Zuri was ready to play.  She ran off into the neighbor's yard and ran under the pine tree.  Thankfully, she came out and I didn't have to crawl in after her.  LOL

Then she helped Daddy get the mower out of the garage.

Beep Beep

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