Sorry for the delay in posting, Zuri and I have both been sick. As Brent pointed out, Zuri does sick a lot better than I do. We took Z to the doctor Monday and found out she had an ear infection. She started antibiotics Monday. I gave in and went to the doctor Friday --- I have a double ear infection, sinus infection, and strep. I'm now on antibiotics too. A friend asked what my deal was. My reply, "Go big or go home."!
Enough about the sickness in our house, here's what you all really want to read about!!
Our community garage sale was this weekend so I decided I would join and try to
keep our attic floor from collapsing sell Zuri's old clothes, toys, etc. This girl has WAY TOO MANY clothes!!! I can't believe how much stuff she accumulated during her first year. It's absolutely ridiculous!!! Here are some pictures from Saturday.
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Have you ever owned this many clothes in your life? I'm pretty sure I haven't! And, this was before I did another cleansing of her wardrobe Saturday morning!!! |
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Mommy, are you sure I can't keep this. I forgot how comfy it is. |
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Maybe if I sit in it no one will buy it. |
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Mommy, I don't particularly want to get rid of this either. |
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Papaw, Mommy is selling ALL.OF.MY.STUFF. Tell her to stop! |
Special thanks to Aunt Julie, Aunt Brandii, and Aunt Junie for helping me with the sale!!
After the garage sale (and after napping - Z and me), Jenn and Brendan came over for dinner and cards. BTW --- The girls won the euchre series 3-2.
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This little piggy.... |
Today, we did some shopping and hung out with Papaw/Mamaw Cox and Papaw/Mamaw Schulz. At the store, Zuri did not want to sit in the cart (surprise, surprise) so I let her walk with me. After a few minutes, she decided that she would rather push the cart. I let her push the cart and the entire time, she was saying "beep, beep"!! Cutest thing ever!!
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Here, I'll push the cart for you guys. |
After the store and a nap, it was lunch time. Zuri was double-fisted.
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Water or milk? Why choose? |
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In this picture, Zuri was trying to look away from Daddy when he was tickling her! |
Papaw and Mamaw Cox came over to watch Zuri while we went to Sam's Club. While we were gone, Papaw and Mamaw Schulz arrived to hang out and take us to dinner. I'm pretty sure Zuri was confused by it (having 2 sets of grandparents over), but loved it nonetheless! We went to McAllister's for dinner (where Zuri devoured her mac-n-cheese).
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Zuri with Papaw and Mamaw Schulz |
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Zuri coming back to Mommy and Daddy! |
Oh, I almost forgot. When we got back from Sam's Club, Zuri started saying "daddy, daddy, daddy" from the living room. She was in the kitchen when we started bringing stuff in. She saw Brent and said "daddy!!!!". After he walked in, she started to shut the door on me!! Geez, I only carried you for 9 months and have a 6 inch scar from your birth!! I love you anyway. ;o)
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