My friend, Jodie, had her little boy, Lucas, today. Brent and I visited tonight and held him. He is so precious and so little! I remember when Zuri was first born and how little she seemed. I miss it!! I also miss being pregnant (call me crazy). Zuri is growing up way too fast. Everyone told me that would happen, but you don't truly understand until it happens. I treasure each and every day with Zuri, but I really miss when she was first born and all she wanted/needed was mommy or daddy. She still loves us and needs us, of course, but she is becoming Little Miss Independent! She does not want to be held. She wants to crawl around and play with things she isn't supposed to. She is eating anything and everything (besides the no-no foods like PB, honey, shellfish). She has 6 teeth. She probably needs her bangs trimmed, but I refuse! She can work my iPhone better than some grown adults. She will be walking before her birthday, I'm just sure of it. She is just becoming such a big girl. I wish I could bottle up those first few months of her life and relive them whenever I want!
Everyone has asked us if we are going to have another baby. The answer is no. Maybe if we had more money and a bigger house. The reality is that we don't. We want to give Zuri everything she deserves and bringing another baby into this world would not allow us to do that. We don't want to "jip" Zuri or any other baby if we were to have one. I know, I know.....lots of people have more than 1 child that are not rich or are crammed for space, but that is just something we don't want to do. So, I shall live vicariously through friends. Shawn and Mandy, it's about time for you to have one, right?!
Since I know you want to see Princess Zuri, here's a picture from this morning! She is the cutest thing ever and I do not want her to grow up A.N.Y.M.O.R.E!!!
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