Monday, March 7, 2016

Happy 5th Birthday!!!

Our Princess turned 5 today!  Doesn't seem possible.  Zuri is sweet, sassy, caring, independent, stubborn, helpful, loving, and a good mix of diva and tomboy. :o)

The birthday girl requested pancakes for breakfast. She also requested certain shapes. ;o)
Ready to start the day!
We started with William's 1 week checkup. Zuri was a big help to Dr. Fox. 
After the appointment, we stopped at Babies R Us for mommy. Then it was lunchtime. Zuri requested Firehouse Subs. She loves their grilled cheese. Ha!
After lunch, it was time for Toys R Us. Zuri wanted to push William's stroller. 
Zuri received a birthday balloon and crown to wear throughout the store. They also announced her birthday over the intercom so people could say happy birthday. Zuri was a bit disappointed in the volume of people there (pretty much us and employees) because then she didn't get many birthday wishes. Ha!
After Toys R Us, we went home where we stayed!  Grandma & Grandpa Gill stopped by.  Later, Papaw John and then Tony and Breeanna stopped by. Zuri loves getting her back scratched. She asked (more like demanded) that Bree scratch her back!
So cute!
After everyone left, Zuri watched Barbie on her iPad mini from Papaw John.

Happy birthday, Princess Zuri!!!  We love you!

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