Sunday, November 22, 2015

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today is Daddy's birthday!  We started the day off with giving Daddy his gifts (a shirt that Zuri picked out for him and a Dolphins shirt he asked for). We then took him and Papaw John to breakfast. Papaw John's birthday is tomorrow. 

After breakfast, we hung out for a bit until we took Zuri to Eric's and Karen's while we went grocery shopping. 

After that, we went home and watched football and napped. :o)

Daddy picked McGilvery's for dinner. Zuri said she could pick even though it's Daddy's birthday, but I wouldn't let her (so now I am mean). She ended up having a good time (they have a toy claw machine and she won a teddy bear). 

We hope you had a good day today, Daddy. We love you!

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