Saturday, December 27, 2014

Santa Came!!!

Santa was very good to us this year. Zuri got a Barbie Malibu Mall (plus other items), Brent got a PS4, and I got diamond earrings. 

Papaw John, Aunt Julie, and Aunt Junie all came by Christmas morning. 

After playing with our toys for a little bit, Zuri and I went to Grandma Jan's.  New outfit courtesy of Aunt Julie. 

The day after Christmas, Zuri and I visited Sunny and Lili at the Surgery Center after they had their tonsils removed.  Zuri made them each a card. So cute!

Later in the day, our cousin, Steve, stopped by. He is home from California. Zuri took some time to warm up and then wouldn't leave us alone for pictures. LOL
We hope everyone else had a great couple days!!

Today, Mommy is at the hospital with Aunt Brandii. She was induced and we are waiting for baby Justice to arrive!  Zuri's upset she can't come because of the restrictions the hospital has in place (due to the flu). She did tell me to take a picture of Brandii holding Justice because "that will be a cute picture!"  Stay tuned!!!

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