Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fireworks, Friends, and Family

Friday night, we went to the Indians game. We didn't get there til about 9, but we really just wanted to see fireworks anyway. :) Zuri liked the misting station. 
We found the Johnson family and here are the kiddos (Zuri, Hayden, Halle) watching the fireworks. 
Saturday, Zuri went with Mommy and Julie to visit JoAnne and take her the Kindle Fire. Christine and Alex were there (Greg came later). Alex and Zuri took turns pushing the other in the wheelchair. :)
Zuri was up for 12hrs straight on Saturday. I'm not sure she has ever done that. She was being super silly Saturday night. 
Today, we took Papaw John to breakfast and when we got back, Zuri found a new friend. She tried bring him inside. I had to tell her the ant is an outdoor pet. ;)
Zuri spent time with Eric, Karen, and Trevor while we went to the grocery store. Zuri loves Trevor. 
She made all sorts of faces for us. Ha!!!

Zuri finally received her very own bedding!  She has a queen size bed so it's been difficult finding one that is good for kids. :)

Have a great week, everybody!!

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