Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy 4th of July

We hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!  We started off with donuts from Papaw John on Friday!  Then we had a cookout at Uncle Gary's.  Here are some pictures.  :o)
From home...
From Gary's...

Then, last minute, we decided to take Zuri downtown to see the fireworks.  She enjoyed them, I think?!  LOL  She was very sleepy.  No pics from that.

Saturday, we had a birthday party for Zuri's classmate, Angeline, followed by a cookout at Paul's and Shawn's.  Zuri loved their chickens and loved the fireworks there.  Most of all, though, I think she loved Molly!  :o)

Today, Zuri spent time with Eric, Karen, and Trevor while Mommy and Daddy when grocery shopping and then we met them for dinner later.  Zuri asked about spending the night so that's where she is!!!  :o)

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