Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

We hope everyone had a wonderful 2013!  For Zuri, 2013 started rough with a constant ear infection followed by surgery for tubes on 1/16.  After that, 2013 was full of new and exciting things for her!  She started a new school, dance class, swim lessons, had her first road trip, potty training, a trip to Great Wolf Lodge, and her first Christmas where she "got it"!

We decided to be low key and ring in the New Year at my cousin's house with his girlfriend and her daughter.  Zuri loves Anne and Bri!

We had a concert, pizza, cake pops, makeovers, and a movie. Zuri lasted until around 10:45 when we left Andy's and Anne's. She passed out before we left their neighborhood!  Mommy and Daddy barely said Happy New Year after the ball dropped!  

Zuri was up and ready to go at 7:30 this morning. She slept in The dress Bri gave her and doesn't seem to have a plan to take it off anytime soon. Ha!

Zuri and Bri.
Anne doing Zuri's hair. She never lets me do it. 
Zuri returning the favor. :)

The beautiful princesses!

The concert before dress up (I can't get the one from after to load!).

Me and Bri. 

Daddy, the party animal. 

Andy and Anne holding the girls and watching Despicable Me 2. So cute!
Zonked out within a minute of leaving. 
Bright and early still in the dress!

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