Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas: Round 1

Yesterday, we went to Eric's and Karen's to celebrate Christmas. All the women talked about how much more relaxed Daddy was about the older girls watching Zuri. :) Zuri had a blast with Olivia, Ally, and Isabella. I think her favorite part of the night, however, was playing with (and ultimately taking home) Olivia's gift from Uncle Eric.  It's a fart machine!  Zuri would press it and ask EVERY.SINGLE.PERSON if he or she farted. She would then laugh hysterically! We didn't leave until 9 or 9:30 and Zuri didn't go to bed until 10.  :)

Here are some pics. 

She's a pirate...
She's not so sure about Kyle, but loves Amber!
Kisses from Aunt Julie.
Zuri's being a pirate again!
Opening gifts. 
The girls. I think they sat like that for at least 15-20 minutes!
The infamous fart machine. Zuri harassing Olivia with her own gift. LOL
This picture was taken this morning. I just love her pirate face. Argh, matey!!!

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