Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dog Custody Battle

Yesterday, we had family pictures at AppleWorks. It was very cold, but fun. Yvonne posted a teaser on FaceBook and I can't wait to see the rest!!  Here's one I took while Yvonne was shooting. 
Zuri likes Mommy's boots!

Also, Zuri got to see Bree again down at Gary's. She also saw Skittles!  Zuri kept telling everybody that Skittles was her and Gary's dog.  Gary has sole custody and Zuri has visitation rights. ;)

Today, Zuri hung out with Eric, Karen, and Trevor while Mommy and Daddy went grocery shopping. Later on, Grandpa and Grandma Schulz came over. Dinner was interesting. Zuri fell asleep on the way there and slept during most of dinner (on me). When she woke up, she was not a happy camper. She finally calmed down and we left. Grandma and I went to Target while Grandpa and Daddy took Zuri home.  Zuri isn't spoiled at all.  She only got 2 pairs of jeans, 3 shirts, a nightgown, and Dora pjs. Zuri wanted to wear the Dora pjs tonight. :)

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