Sunday, July 7, 2013

Pool Crashers

Our wonderful neighbors, Carol and Ryan, have a pool and tell us all the time to come over whenever we want.  Well, today, we finally took them up on the offer.  They were both inside resting, but told us to come on over.  We did just that!  We were only there about an hour, but we had a blast!!

Zuri wasn't sure about the Sea Lion at first, but she decided she wanted to give it a try.
Daddy decided to show Zuri how to ride the Sea Lion.  The Sea Lion won the battle!!
I tried to get a family picture, but Zuri was very upset with the Sea Lion and had to make sure Daddy was okay.  I was able to get a usable one though.
Zuri's favorite part was jumping into the pool.  Here's a video of her jumping to Daddy.  I love that she starts her countdown in English and ends in Spanish.  So smart!!!

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