Monday, June 17, 2013


Unless you've been under a rock the past week, you know Zuri started a new school today.  I was concerned with how drop off would go this morning.  I figured I would have to leave her crying ---- and I did.  I didn't know how nap time would go since she would be on a cot and in a new environment.  I was worried she would be left out.  I was just plain worried.  So.....I got to work and within an hour, the school called to tell me how she was doing.  Okay, so maybe I initiated the call.  Details, details, details.  Anyway, Bonnie (the Director/Owner) said she was playing and smiling and doing just fine.  I don't know why I worried.  Zuri is very personable and gets along well with others.  She adapts to situations quickly.  Nonetheless, I called Daddy to see how her day was since he picks her up.  He said the teacher said she did great!  As you can see from her daily note, she ate very well, napped well, and enjoyed a magic show today.  :o)  Daddy stopped and picked Zuri up a special treat (a frosty from Wendy's) for having such a great day!

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