Saturday, November 10, 2012

Surprise, Papaw!!!!!!

My stepmom, sister, and I decided to throw my dad a surprise birthday party today.  It went very well.  My dad had absolutely no idea! 

Zuri and I talked about the party this morning during breakfast and when I told her everything I still needed to get done before 11am, she did this:

Just talk to Aunt Brandii and she will tell you I felt the same way.  HA! 

Zuri didn't believe me when I told her how old papaw was going to be.  She said to papaw:

Everyone had a good time.  Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate this milestone birthday with us!!
Here are some more pictures from the party.
The "Old Man" with his daughters.  ;o)

With my stepmom.

With his favorite girl of all.  Sorry Andrea and Brandii, but I think you'll agree we all 3 take a back seat to the Princess....LOL.

Zuri and Mason gave big hugs when Mason left.  Isn't this adorable?!!!

Happy Birthday, Dad/Papaw!!  We love you!!

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