Monday, December 26, 2011

Zuri's 1st Christmas

Zuri's first Christmas was absolutely wonderful.  She had so much fun opening gifts and playing with tissue paper.  :o)  We had some Christmas gatherings before Christmas day.  This post will focus on Christmas day only.

Here are pictures of what Santa left Zuri.

Zuri must have known it was Christmas because she woke up at 5:30 a.m. and was ready to go.

Zuri ate and then we went straight into opening gifts.  She did pretty well.  We had to help her open gifts, but she really did a good job of tearing the paper off herself.

Around 9:30, the Aunt Js (Junie and Julie) came over with gifts for Zuri.

While we were getting ready to go to my dad's, Zuri decided to give herself kisses.  Isn't this the cutest thing ever?!

We went to my dad's at 2:00 p.m.  Grandpa John made Zuri a bank.  He even put her name on it.  Here's a picture of her with it on Christmas day and then a picture from today so you can see it better.  She is excited to get that bank filled up!  :o)

Oh, and here's a picture with Aunt Brandii.  I love the face Brandii is making.  HA!

Zuri was so tired that this is what she did on the way home.

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.  Brent and I sure did.  We got to spend it with the best gift ever.

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