I would like to get in it and drive 88mph back to Friday morning.
The past few days have not been the best to say the least. The short story: we ended up at the ER Sunday night, transferred to Riley, Zuri had surgery late Sunday night/early Monday morning, and we spent 2 nights at Riley.
Details - Zuri had abscesses. They seemed to just appear Saturday morning. Things looked fine Friday. The abscesses looked very painful and I felt so bad for her. I was going to take her to the doctor Monday. Sunday night, she was inconsolable and had a temperature (not sure of exact temp - we couldn't get a good reading). After an hour or so of trying to console her, I broke down - I didn't know how to help her - and Brent said we should just go to the emergency room. When we got to Community South, her temperature was 102.9. The doctor came in an said we would have to have surgery to drain it and we had two choices: Community North or Riley (both are equipped for such surgery on an infant). I lost it. I couldn't stand the thought of her having surgery. We chose Riley because when I was 10 years old, I was there for heart surgeries (3 of them).
Once we are at Riley emergency room, the nurses come in to draw blood and place an IV (we were certain surgery was happening immediately). The tears flowed then too. Not just Zuri, but me also. She looked at me when they were trying to get the IV in her like, "Why are you letting them do this to me?" Brent was helping hold her and I know he felt bad b/c she looked at him the same way. At 1am, the surgeon intern comes in and says we are going to surgery right then. We walk her to the surgery area where the anesthesiologist and surgeon both talk to us. I lost it again. When the nurse walked away with Zuri, I thought I would just die. Brent and I sat in the surgery waiting area while they had our precious little angel under general anesthesia, trying to "fix" her. That was the longest hour ever, I do believe. The doctor came out and told us everything went well and that Zuri did great and was "awake but not alert". We had to wait another 15 minutes or so and then we got to go see her in the recovery room. We got to our room about 3:30am.

Zuri slept off and on most of the morning Monday and she only had about 10oz of formula the entire day. Here are some pics from Monday.
Early Monday morning |
Sleeping on daddy |
Sleeping on mommy |
Aunt Julie came to visit (she only works 5 minutes away)
Sleeping |
We had to get a gown for her because she dirtied the other 3 outfits we brought. |
Here she is with Grandpa John - looking out the window - trying to devise an escape plan!
Today was better. Zuri got her appetite back and she was more playful. We were able to go home at noon. We left about 1pm after getting Zuri's prescriptions. We are all thankful to be home. We go back to Riley on Monday to get the drainage tubes removed. I'll be off work the rest of the week so that I can be here with Zuri. Here are some pics from today.
Our precious angel |
Z was happy to know we would be going home today! |
Taking a ride in the wagon |
She likes the wagon. :) |
So I said I was in Riley when I was 10 years old. After going through this experience, I don't know how my parents handled my heart surgeries. I was in Riley 3 times (once for a week). I thank God that Zuri is okay and that this wasn't something more severe. I pray to God that we never have to be in that situation again.
OH.MY.WORD---I am SOOOOO glad you are back home and Zuri is ok. I must say that girl can "ROCK" a cast though!!!! Hope she is feeling better!
ReplyDeleteAshley - thank you. She is feeling better. We are just trying to get back into a routine!!