Saturday, September 26, 2015

Family Day

We have had a great Saturday!  We started the day off with a soccer game. Grandma and Grandpa Schulz as well as Papaw John came to watch. 
After the game, we went to breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Schulz. Zuri had some hot chocolate. It's cute to watch her drink it. She looks so grown up!  She told me no pictures. I got one anyway. Ha!
After that, we had the ERMCO family picnic. The picnic is always fun. This year, it was at Victory Field.

Zuri waited patiently to get her face painted. 
We sat in the seats for a bit. 
Played on the field for a bit. 
Zuri enjoyed throwing the ball around with Daddy. 
Taking a break. :o)
We stayed to see if our names would be drawn for any prizes. No such luck. We had fun anyway!

After we got home, Justice came over to spend the night. Zuri enjoyed feeding her, playing with her, changing her diaper, and washing her hair. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Mommy's Little Helper

Zuri helped me fold her clothes tonight and put them away!

Can you tell who folded which stacks?! :o)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sensational Saturday

I have to start with a picture from our family dinner Friday even though th title of this post is Sensational Saturday. :o)

Brandon came home for a visit so we all met up at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. 

Okay, so now on to Saturday!  

Zuri had soccer pictures Saturday morning. Her game was rained out, but pictures still happened. Her individual picture looks like a mug shot.  Thankfully, she smiled for the team picture. Maybe the photographer can face swap. Haha!

We went home for a couple hours before going to Jack's football game.

Zuri and Claire cheered on Jack's team. Cutest cheerleaders ever! 
After the game, the girls tried hugging/tackling Jack.

After the game, we went back home for awhile until Grandma and Grandpa Schulz arrived for dinner. We took Grandpa to dinner at Little Zagreb's in Bloomington. 

Zuri wanted to walk around for a bit after dinner. She loves these pieces near the restaurant. 

We hope everyone else had a Sensational Saturday as well!!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

First Soccer Game

Zuri's first soccer game was this morning!

We took snacks for her team. 
Papaw brought donuts for the big day. 
Then it was time to get ready!
Game time!  The kids did a great job and were super cute out there. :o)
Next week is picture day for soccer and then a game!

As soon as we got home, Zuri took her uniform off and put a dress on. She had to also apply some lip gloss. Haha!

Zuri is a good mix of princess and sporty. :o)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Frozen On Ice

Zuri and I had a Mommy/Daughter date today. We went to Frozen on Ice. Zuri was excited to go!  

We started the day with Frozen inspired pancakes. 

Aunt Tina came over and did Zuri's hair for the occasion. 

Then we finally got to Banker's Life. I know Zuri thought it took forever!! 

Zuri had her picture taken with Olaf. 
Then she picked up a friend from Rapunzel. 
Then we went to our seats. 3 rows back. She was excited to be that close!!
Hi Elsa and Anna!

We did end up leaving about 15-20 minutes before the show was over, but that's okay. I was hungry anyway. ;o)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Soccer Practice

I'm officially a soccer mom (minus the mini van). Zuri had her first soccer practice today!  Her team is the Hawks. :o)

Brent and Zuri had dinner and then met me at work to hang out until practice. Zuri had to do some important work, make calls, take notes, and get snacks from Marisol's office!

Soccer practice went okay. Zuri complained about the shin guards most of practice, but she did ok. Her coach has more patience than me for sure!  Ha!

Huddle before practice. 
Action shot while dribbling. 
Break time. :o)
They played a game too. They did a good job!

First game is September 12th.  Go Hawks!